Online Classes

Sonsie’s Patreon is born out of the desire to support you in your personal at-home yoga practice.

Sonsie has carefully curated 30 minute yoga flows for you to move into listening and harmony from wherever you are.

These classes are designed to supplement and not replace your other activities, hobbies or live in-studio yoga classes.

Sonsie’s Patreon gives you access to:

  • Weekly 30 minute Embodied Presence - meditative yoga flow videos

With over 100 classes there are a wide array of experiences to choose from.

Sonsie’s offerings invite you to discover and embrace the unique vocabulary of your body through progressive, dynamic and sustainable movement. Each class includes foundational poses, movement with breath + thoughtful sequencing.

The invitation is for you to cultivate strength and mobility while also sensing into a spacious awareness-presence, beyond the thinking-mind, to peaceful centred ground of being.

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Recent classes on Sonsie's Patreon

Heart Wings

In this practice explore the hands and the arms as the wings of the heart. 

We discover a continuum all the way from our rib halves to our fingertips, the upper limbs as conduits which transmit from the heart and the lungs as a source of buoyancy and support for the upper limbs.

Expect to play with gentle twists, backbends, dolphin pose and half-frog variation before closing in a reclined butterfly pose. No props needed.

Meditative Movement

Let us practice truly arriving in the unobstructed ease of here and now. 

Through flowing movement we enter into presence awareness pose to pose, breath to breath, moment to moment. 

To help us to settle into that continuous flow of awareness we use the So Ham mantra (optional). Expect tree pose, lunges, twists, peaceful warrior and half moon. No props needed.